New clock spring part number 84306-48030 / 8430648030 to fit some Toyota Landcruiser vehicles.
Fits all 200 series models from dates 09/2007 – 10/2015.
Note: only the clock spring is supplied. If your vehicle is fitted with a steering angle sensor it will need to be removed and fitted to the replacement clock spring.
A clock spring connects the steering wheel to other electrical devices, such as the airbag safety system, radio volume and station selections, horn, and cruise controls. A clock spring can become faulty when wires become worn and break, causing a short or open circuit. The horn, radio controls, and cruise controls can stop working, and the airbag warning light can come on as well.
Since the clock spring is responsible for two safety devices including the horn and airbag safety system, replacing a faulty clock spring with a new unit is highly advised as soon as possible.
Part Numbers
Please double-check the vehicle’s original clock spring part number before purchasing this part. If you are not sure if this is the correct part, you can confirm by using this link.
Enter the VIN number and then go to → 4. Electrical → 84-01: Switch & relay & computer → Steering. The clock spring is listed as → cable sub-assy spiral.
If you are unable to find the clock spring part number, please message us with the vehicle’s 17 digit VIN and we will confirm.
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nice and quick
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